Bowling League Manager
© Neil Warland
Your average is calculated by dividing your total scratch pin count by the number of games played, and then rounding down the result.

Your handicap is calculated by subtracting your rounded down average from 220 taking 87% of that total, and then rounding the result down again.

Blind Scores
Blind scores are calculated as the scratch average of the chosen absent bowler, less 10% plus their handicap. The absent bowler will be taken as the bowler who has played the most matches from the remaining bowlers in the team.

Forfeit Matches
In order to score points for a game, the bowling team must bowl within 10% of their team average. The opposing team do not receive points lost by the bowling team.

To be eligible for prizes, bowlers must have played (and hence contributed to the prize fund) in at least 40% of the total games in the season.